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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

edition3: Pronounciations

a as sound of “a” in head, metal (short “a”)
aa as sound of “a” in arm, cart, bar or as sound of “i” in ice, bite, fire (long “a”)
I as sound of “i” in pencil, credible (short “i”)
ee as sound of “i” in if, give, mirror (long “i”) or as sound of “ee” in esteem
u as sound of “u” in push, pull
oo as sound of “o” in soor, fool (long u) or as sound of “u” in rule
e as sound of “e” in egg, bed, merry or as sound of “a” in age, aim, came
ai as sound of “ei” in Eikman
o as sound of “o” in go, low
au similar to the sound of “ow” in cow (if it pronounced as single syllable)
.n or .m or as sound of “um” in number, sound of “um” as in jump
-N- or -M-
K as sound of “k” i nkarate
kh as ound of “kh” in khaki
G as ound of “g” in gum
gh as ound of “gh” in ghost
xn similar to the sound of “n” in bring, thing
ch as sound of “ch” in chuck; use of middle palate
cxh as sound of “ch” in chuck, but with the release of breath, or aspiration
jj as sound of “j” in jug
jjx variation o fsound of “j” in jug; use of front palate
z as sound of “z” in lazy; use of middle palate

yn distinct sound of “y” and “n” pronounced together
t as sound of “t” in tune, hit
tdh sound of “dh” using back palate and moving toung down instantly blowing air out
d as sound of “d” in done
dhv sound of “dh” using back palate as sound o f ”dh” in “adhere”
tn sound of “n” using middle palate
tv soft sound of “t”, dental sound of “t” as sound of “t” in spanish word “tamale”
th as sound of “th” in thumb, thick
dv as sound of “th” in mother, there
dh as sound of “th” this
n as sound of “n” in nun, none
p as sound of “p” in pun
f as sound of “f” in firm
b as sound of “b” in bum
bh as sound of “b” using lips and saying “b” and “h” together as in “bhaji”
m as sound of “m” in mother
y as sound of “ye” in yes
r as sound of “ru” in run
w as sound of “wo” in work
sh as sound of “sh” in shun (middle palate)
hsh close to the sound of “ssion” in mission (back palate)
s as sound of “so” in some
h as sound of “hu” in hut

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